There are some stories you hear,you patiently wait till the end to ask "what really happened?" But the story teller has no concrete answer. And there are other stories that leaves you with so many questions. You just can't ask, your lips suddenly has more weight and it seems like a Herculean task to attempt to speak with those lips. This might be one of those stories.

This story is really about two young lives,with dreams, ambition and possible achievements that was destroyed on a not so perculiar day.

It all started as a high school romance, very few people were not innocent victims of this. Teenagers, raging hormones,timid but try to feign woke.The little boy sees the little pretty or popular girl and Cupid accurately releases an arrow and they are in love. Nothing in the world can stop them, they think to themselves they can defeat anything that tries to stop their love.

In this story we will call this young boy victor. The common name for cute children and teenagers. Victor was smitten with this wonderful petite girl, beauty with brains,prized possession of her parents,she was the answer to her mother's twelve years of childlessness. Of course before she could arrive earth her father had lost his patience,married another wife,and fathered children so she had lots of step siblings but still she was her mother's only jewel.

Victor knew all these in details but it only increased her worth and value in his eyes. There were severe warnings from victor's parents to steer clear of this relationship and mild appeals to his lady love from her family but nothing deterred them. Nothing could  stop this young love, their high school romance flourished. In all they passed all their exams excellently,these two were able to accomplish what most teenagers could not,they were able to sit a perfect relationship beside an equally perfect academic performance. Infact Victor's lady Love results was so good that at the end of high school she was given a scholarship to go study abroad.

This brought Joy to everyone. Her mother walked proudly in the village,her father could not stop repeating it to anyone available to listen,her siblings walked around shoulders high, already dreaming of the constant gifts they would be receiving from the abroad ,but as much as victor tried he could not stop the pain in his heart as the time drew closer. His lady love was not happy either, after the exams she was supposed to park all her belongings from the hostel but she didn't. The ssce exam took place second term so she gave the somewhat understandable excuse that she would come back third term to clear some issues. We all know the kind of issues.

As the third term resumption drew closer everyone's conviction that she should not go back to school became stronger. Everyone except her own mother. Her mother felt her jewel has done well enough so at least should be given a little freedom. Her father cajoled and commanded and the daughter in response refused,sulked and cried,her step mother advised and she politely declined,her siblings were shunned before they could even finish the statement. Victor was expecting her, they would make an agreement,oh they would whisper sweet nothings to each other,they might even consummate the relationship, they would take vows. The thought of all this got her going.

A day before school resumption she woke up early, humming joyously,said her goodbyes and left for the motor park. Nothing seemed out of place for the next two weeks, everyone went about their life duties. She would return soon,as soon as she is through with whatever she has to clear up in school. Exactly one month later her father was sitting in front of his house one early morning, when he saw victor approaching,at first he was angry and then his heart skipped a bit. When victor uttered the words the old man sank with a wail, everyone rushed out, victor repeated the words ,a harmless question but it threw everyone into confusion,accute fear,and dread. The house erupted in activities,soon a small group were driving to the police station. Victor sat in the car with his lady Love's father, mother, step mother, neighbor who owned the car and two of his lady Love's older brothers. He only came to see his love,ask why she didn't fufil her promise of coming to school and could not comprehend all that was happening and so quickly too. The search went on for months,no one heard anything,the police could do nothing. The term ended and victor was returning home a broken man. The fear from not knowing where exactly she was or what happened to her gave him constant diarrhea. On his way home,he had to beg the driver to stop. He rushed out of the bus into the nearest bush,he went further in for privacy and came face to face with roughly dug and covered earth. There was a swell on this spot and a cross made from tree branch pegged on the elevated earth. A see through nylon was tied to this cross,in it was his lady Love's school id card and a little note. He screamed.

In the end the little note said she died from an accident and the unknown driver and passengers could not trace her house so they buried her there. Everyone' question was why didn't he go to the school,was it really an accident?, was kind of accident? Her body was exumed, autopsy showed nothing new. Victor and her family still have unanswered questions till date.
Read here: a baby born with coil in hand



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