A baby born with a coil in his hand Growing up I read and heard so many ridiculous and not entirely true stories of babies born with several marks on them,the legendary 666 mark, a saviour's name of their feet and what not,this story is completely different. This coil I am going to talk about in this story is actually a contraceptive ring. Yes,a contraceptive coil,I call it coil because that is what everyone called it at that time. In a ghetto area ,during the time that the Nigerian government just became democratic again,there was this face-me-i-slap-you building. In this tenanment house lived a young, healthy plump woman. Apart from the fact that she married a man way older than her,there was nothing very peculiar about her,she went about her daily activity unnoticed among several other tenants. Let's call this young woman Iya tunde. Iya tunde had just one child and would always tell her friends/co-tenants that she would never have another baby for her old hu...
One of the greatest cause of strife between parents and their teenagers is freedom. The parents think perhaps they are offering too much freedom and the children think it is too little. For a single parent like the one we are going to discuss today, freedom is a big deal. They dread offering too much freedom which they suspect will negatively affect the way their teenagers turn out. Patrick is a single father. A very loving man of forty. He has two children,a boy and a girl. He separated from his wife on the grounds on infidelty. His wife cheated and although he loved his children so much,he vowed to be stern in term of his daughter's discipline. He was a devote Catholic and the shame of having an adulterous wife was enough,he could not and would not bear another scandal in one life time. He decided to take a route that very few had taken. It might sound implausible and impossible but this is real. He did it, he started putting his plans into actions as his daughter grew...
Everyone has a limit to their tolerance level. How much can one person take? or can you take any at all. What is a deal breaker for you. In some marriages the deal breaker is infidelty for others it's physical abuse. For Sylvia in today's story she had little patience for violence. Sylvia was a unique young woman. You meet her and just realize she was a rare type that don't come to earth often. As opposed to most women in her time that were timid,shy and dependant upon their men folk, Sylvia was independent. She was a charmer, undeniably. She had really long dark hair and her skin was light in complexion, something that was uncommon in her parts at that time,had intriguing eyes, mesmerizing smile but most importantly she was innately intelligent. Sylvia did so well in her academics that she had a scholarship. Before high School, suitors started coming,it was a common thing then. Sylvia didn't care much,she left the responsibility of choosing to her parents. S...
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